播映日期 | 播映時間 | 放映地點 | 參加影人 | 級數 |
10/22 | 13:00 | 光點華山2廳 | 普G | |
10/27 | 10:10 | 光點華山2廳 | ▲ | 普G |
2023 Voices of the Silenced
2017 The Silence
2012 Nuchigafu - Life Is a Treasure
1991 Song of Ariran -Voices from Okinawa
1986 The Other Hiroshima: A Korean A-bomb Victims Tell Their Story
Screenwriter: PARK Soo-nam
Producer: PARK Soo-nam
Cinematographer: OTSU Koshiro
Editor: PARK Soo-nam
ARTicle films
2023 Voices of the Silenced
2017 The Silence
2012 Nuchigafu - Life Is a Treasure
1991 Song of Ariran -Voices from Okinawa
1986 The Other Hiroshima: A Korean A-bomb Victims Tell Their Story
Screenwriter: PARK Soo-nam
Producer: PARK Soo-nam
Cinematographer: OTSU Koshiro
Editor: PARK Soo-nam
ARTicle films