Los Angeles-based Colombian and Irish-American filmmaker. She was a Princess Grace Award recipient in 2008 and a Latino Producers Academy Fellow in 2010. She was the recipient of the yearlong Latino Artists Mentorship from the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) in 2010.
2012 Justice for my Sister
2008 Somos Mujeres, Somos Vida!
2007 Comprometidas
Pan Dulce y Cafe Amargo
Programming Whiteness
ICE Raid Rally
Una Conversacion entre Primos
2006 Intercultural Pen-Pal Video Web Exchange
Mi Colombidentidad
Caminos para el Futuro
2005 Two Pitzer College PSAs
Rebeca Eunice Perez
Adela Chacon Tax
Ricardo Antonio Merlos Cojulum
Dina Donis
Rotman Perez
Romeo Monterrosa
Production Company / Artevista Films
Email: info@artevistafilms.comm
2012 Justice for my Sister
2008 Somos Mujeres, Somos Vida!
2007 Comprometidas
Pan Dulce y Cafe Amargo
Programming Whiteness
ICE Raid Rally
Una Conversacion entre Primos
2006 Intercultural Pen-Pal Video Web Exchange
Mi Colombidentidad
Caminos para el Futuro
2005 Two Pitzer College PSAs
Rebeca Eunice Perez
Adela Chacon Tax
Ricardo Antonio Merlos Cojulum
Dina Donis
Rotman Perez
Romeo Monterrosa
Production Company / Artevista Films
Email: info@artevistafilms.comm