Introduction & History

Founded in 1993, Women Make Waves Film Festival has emerged as one of the major film festivals in Taiwan, and has established itself as the biggest one dedicated to the promotion of female talents. By covering a wide range of genres, issues, and representations of women, WMWFF seeks to promote great cinematic art by female directors, and to advocate gender equality through films with a feminist consciousness from a variety of subjects. WMWFF also creates platforms for international exchanges and links in the feminist and female film industry. Having screened almost a thousand foreign productions, it provides Taiwanese audiences with novel perspectives from abroad alongside unique domestic productions. Since 2001, the festival has expanded outside of Taipei and has been touring Taiwan in an effort to enable broader audiences to enjoy its programs, screening films all over the country.


The festival is organized by non-profit organization Taiwan Women’s Film Association (formerly known as Taipei Women's Film Association). Beyond WMWFF, the Association’s activities also include publishing print products and DVDs, distributing education materials and organizing workshops related to film studies and feminism. Through this range of activities, Taiwan Women’s Film Association hopes to make a contribution to the studies and discourses of film, female filmmaking and gender issues in Taiwan.