圓桌論壇 Round Tables
由Nicole Fernandez-Ferrer (西蒙波娃視聽中心聯合主席)組織和主持,探討電影界與女性以及女權主義的關係,將聚焦於影評、製片和導演領域等問題上。
Organized and Moderated by Nicole Fernandez-Ferrer (co-president of Centre audiovisuel Simone de Beauvoir)
09/23 – 14 :30
圓桌論題 I -女性主義與電影製作
Roundtable I: Feminism and Film Production
How has the #Metoo movement impacts film production and film professionals? What is the relationship between female directors and feminism? What do we mean by a “feminist filmmaker” ?
主持人 Moderator:Nicole Fernandez-Ferrer (西蒙波娃視聽中心聯合主席)
與談人 Speakers:
范情 Ching Fan 台灣女性影像學會顧問 Consultant, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)
王君琦 Chun-Chi Wang (台灣女性影像學會顧問 Consultant, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)
Blandine Lenoir (導演 Director)
Bénédicte Couvreur (Lilies Films製片 Producer, Lilies Films)
10/07 – 14 :30
圓桌論壇II 女性主義電影批評
Roundtable II: Feminist Film Criticism
Is it possible to speak of a feminist or feminine gaze? How to deconstruct the dominance of male heroes in cinema and to analyze the model of female heroines? Is there feminist film criticism?
主持人 Moderator:Nicole Fernandez-Ferrer (西蒙波娃視聽中心聯合主席)
與談人 Speakers:
賀照緹 Chao-ti Ho (導演 Director)
李宜珊 Yi-shan Lee (導演 Director)
Occitane Lacurie (《溢出》雜誌編輯 Editor, Débordements)
Camille Nevers (《電影評論》總監 Director, critique de cinéma)
9/30 – 14:30
工作坊 : 台灣女性掀浪潮
Workshop: Running Festivals Making Waves
From its establishment in the 90s (small-scale guerilla-style), expansion in the 2000s, reorientation in the 2010s to currently an established medium-scale film festival in Taiwan, Women Make Waves International Film Festival (WMWIFF, since 1998 ) has been constantly re-examining its goal and value throughout different stages. In this workshop, we invite Paris based women/queer focused festivals/organizations to share their own experiences in keeping their festivals active and relevant from the perspectives of generational changes, funding support, programming, marketing strategies and audience reception.
主持人:羅珮嘉 Pecha Lo (台灣國際女性影展總監)
Nicole Fernandez-Ferrer (西蒙波娃視聽中心聯合主席)
范情 Ching Fan (台灣女性影像學會顧問 Consultant, Taiwan Women’s Film Association)