播映日期 | 播映時間 | 放映地點 | 參加影人 | 級數 |
10/15 | 10:20 | 光點華山2廳 | 護P | |
10/20 | 14:10 | 光點華山2廳 | 護P |
2013 Ellipsis
2014 Enmog Renaissance
2015 The = (
2015 I Hate Sundays
2017 Bats & Jokes
2020 The Fallers
2020 Forbbiden to See Us Scream in Tehran 噤地搖滾夜
2020 The Image
2020 The Gift
Director, Screenwriter: Farbod ARDEBILI
Producer: Soroush ARAYESH, Viktorija RAZEVSKA HILL
Production Manger: Soroush ARAYESH, Ashkan HOORSUN, Hasan VALIKHANI
Cinematographer: Masud AMINI TIRANI
Editor: Farbod ARDEBILI, Peng WANG
Sound Designer: Ailin GONG
Sound Mixer: Mohammad HABIBI
Make up: Sahar SAHRAYI
Music: Alberto ANAYA, Farbod ARDEBILI, Maryam MIRBAGHERI
2013 Ellipsis
2014 Enmog Renaissance
2015 The = (
2015 I Hate Sundays
2017 Bats & Jokes
2020 The Fallers
2020 Forbbiden to See Us Scream in Tehran 噤地搖滾夜
2020 The Image
2020 The Gift
Director, Screenwriter: Farbod ARDEBILI
Producer: Soroush ARAYESH, Viktorija RAZEVSKA HILL
Production Manger: Soroush ARAYESH, Ashkan HOORSUN, Hasan VALIKHANI
Cinematographer: Masud AMINI TIRANI
Editor: Farbod ARDEBILI, Peng WANG
Sound Designer: Ailin GONG
Sound Mixer: Mohammad HABIBI
Make up: Sahar SAHRAYI
Music: Alberto ANAYA, Farbod ARDEBILI, Maryam MIRBAGHERI