
Control Pants Symphony

Natalie WARDLE 2017 UK Fiction color 3min 無對白 DCP
date time venue guests rating
10/08 14:20 Taipei SPOT-Huashan A Two R
10/11 13:10 Taipei SPOT-Huashan A One R
11/03 13:00 Taichung Shin Kong Cinemas 7 R
Inspired by modern day societies’ views on the ideal'perfect' female body, Natalie Wardle explores control pants in a comical manner highlighting her views on how ridiculous the obsession is over the norm in today’s society with wearing them.


Natalie WARDLE

Visual artist/photographer from Manchester. She graduated with a BA in Photography from Manchester School of Art. From this, she has exhibited around England and internationally

Natalie WARDLE

2017 Control Pant Symphony

Director: Natalie Wardle

Camera: Matt Gathercole

Editors: Richard Harris

Production Manager: Leanne Thompson

Producers: Ian Fenton, Nick Oakley

Natalie WARDLE